Riley Peppertown Pottery

Poppeytown Pottery Face Jug, Riley 3.24 94 Peppertown Mississippi

Great condition - signed face jug - white with blue eyes.

Poppeytown Pottery Face Jug, Riley 3.24 94

Funny - although most of his other work is titled Peppertown Pottery, this one is somewhat novel, being labeled "Poppeytown."

Minache Mississippi, 1994. Amazing work.
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Great condition - signed face jug - white with blue eyes.

Poppeytown Pottery Face Jug, Riley 3.24 94

Funny - although most of his other work is titled Peppertown Pottery, this one is somewhat novel, being labeled "Poppeytown."

Minache Mississippi, 1994. Amazing work.
Current Stock:
Width: 16.00 (in)
Height: 16.00 (in)
Depth: 16.00 (in)
SKU: 274933402535

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